Poster of Aristotle Vs Arendt

Aristotle vs Arendt: On the Contemplative and Active Life

In an age of political activism, the prioritisation of the contemplative life and the exalted status of philosophers and theologians has been supplanted or displaced by a prioritisation of the active life. This inversion calls for a re-assessment: does the contemplative percolate down and work within the active life or does the active life act as a foundation for the leisure of contemplation?

The Leuven Newman Society invites you to our first event of the academic year on 17th October 18:30-20:30 in the Raadzaal of HIW, KU Leuven, with a lecture by guest speaker Pater Edmund Waldstein, a monk of the Cistercian Abbey of Stift Heiligenkreuz in Austria, and a lecturer in moral theology at the Abbey’s theological college. He will give us a lecture on assessing the contemplative life vs active life in the context of Aristotle vs Arendt. Snacks and drinks will be provided 🥐🥂

We hope to see you there!