About Us

Our Mission

The Louvain Newman Society is a Catholic organization whose goal is to assist individuals, particularly students, in deepening their love for Jesus Christ and their knowledge of the Catholic faith. Inspired by Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman, the members of the LNS seek to develop clear heads and holy hearts primarily through worship—liturgical and devotional—and intellectual discussion about the doctrines of the faith. In its faith, the LNS embraces a spirit of frankness and fidelity to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. In its worship, the LNS respects and promotes the liturgical norms prescribed by the same Church. Through this twofold fidelity, exercised in fellowship with one another, the LNS hopes to witness ever more to the “Light of the Nations,” which is Christ. The Society is open to all who seek His face.

Logo - Leuven Newman Society


Organised Events


years of experience


Our History

Various institutes, reading groups, and societies in and around Leuven in the
last few decades have been named after St. John Henry Newman. The current LNS
has its origins in the organization founded by Dr. Andrew Meszaros (Theology)
some years ago. With Dr. Meszaros’s support, it was refounded on the same model
by a group of students from various faculties in the fall of 2014.

Our Core Values

This Newman Society is committed to fostering an intellectual environment where faith and reason work together to illuminate truth. Drawing from the wisdom of the Catholic tradition, including the insights of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Henry Newman, we seek to cultivate both theological and philosophical understanding.

Fides et Ratio
Faith and reason work in harmony, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of truth.
Veritas in Caritate
Truth in love—our pursuit of knowledge must always be grounded in charity and respect for others.
Sapientia Sancti Thomae
The wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas—integrating reason, theology, and the natural world to lead us closer to divine truth.
Cor ad Cor Loquitur
Heart speaks to heart—echoing Cardinal Newman’s motto, we emphasize the personal encounter with truth through sincere dialogue and intellectual humility.